Belfry SciCalc v

A Scientific Calculator for the iPhone

Copyright 2007, 2008 by

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7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3 0 ± Exp 7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3 0 . Exp 7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3 0 ± Exp 0111 1000 1001 0100 0101 0110 1 0010 0011 0 ± Exp 10 11 12 7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 11 12 7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 11 12 7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3 10 11 12 7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3
Done SciCalc Help

Belfry SciCalc v

Copyright 2007, 2008 by
Keyboard shortcuts for non-iPhone browsers are denoted in parens ().
Mode keys:
ACclears the number or stack and resets the state of the calculator. (Escape)
CEclears the number currently being entered. (Escape)
Fncycles through showing different sets of operation keys, such as trig and exponential operations. (`)
Invinverts the function of various operation keys, such as squares and square roots. (i)
Modeshows optional display mode and alternate base mode keys. (m)
DRGcycles between Degree, Radian and Gradian modes, converting the current number. (D)
Memin Algebraic mode, exposes a set of memory operation keys.
RPNswitches between Algebraic and Reverse Polish Notation modes. (R)
Binchanges to Binary alternate base mode. (m - b)
Octchanges to Octal alternate base mode. (m - o)
Decchanges to primary Decimal base mode. (m - d)
Hexchanges to Hexadecimal alternate base mode. (m - h)
Normswitches to Normal display mode. (m - n)
Fixswitches to Fixed decimal display mode. (m - f)
Sciswitches to Scientific Notiation display mode. (m - s)
Engswitches to Engineering Notation display mode. Like Sci mode, except the exponent is always a power of 3. (m - e)
0-12in the mode screen, these let you specify the precision of Fix, Sci, and Eng display modes.
Memory keys:
M+adds the current number to tthe memory buffer.
M–subtracts the current number from the memory buffer.
→Msets the memory buffer to the current number.
M→recalls the value of the memory buffer.
MCclears the memory buffer.
x↔Mswaps the current number and the memory buffer value.
Exponential operator keys:
x2gets the square of the given number. (@)
x3gets the cube of the given number. (#)
yxgets the x'th power of the given number. (^)
√x gets the square root of the given number. (inv - @)
3√x gets the cube root of the given number. (inv - #)
x√y gets the x'th root of the given number. (inv - ^)
exraises e to the given power. (L)
2xraises 2 to the given power.
10xraises 10 to the given power.
lngets the natural logarithm base e of the given number. (l)
log2gets the logarithm base 2 of the given number.
log10gets the logarithm base 10 of the given number.
logxygets the logarithm base x of the given number.
Trigonometric operator keys:
Hypexposes Hyperbolic trigonometric operations. (h)
singets the sine of the given number. (S)
cosgets the cosine of the given number. (C)
tangets the tangent of the given number. (T)
sin-1gets the arcsine of the given number. (inv - S)
cos-1gets the arccosine of the given number. (inv - C)
tan-1gets the arctangent of the given number. (inv - T)
πenters the value of Pi. (p)
Bitwise operator keys:
ANDperforms a bitwise AND of two numbers. (&)
ORperforms a bitwise OR of two numbers. (|)
XORperforms a bitwise Exclusive-OR of two numbers. (^)
NOTperforms a bitwise NOT on all 32 bits in the number. (!)
<<performs a bitwise left shift by 1 bit. (<)
>>performs a bitwise right shift by 1 bit. (>)
<<nperforms a bitwise left shift by n bits.
>>nperforms a bitwise right shift by n bits.
RoLperforms a bitwise roll left by 1 bit. ([)
RoRperforms a bitwise roll right by 1 bit. (])
RnLperforms a bitwise roll left by n bits.
RnRperforms a bitwise roll right by n bits.
RPN mode stack keys:
Rollrolls the topmost stack item to the bottom of the stack. (q)
Swapswaps the two bottommost numbers on the stack. (w)
Dropdrops the bottommost number off of the stack. (z)
EnterPushes the number currently being entered onto the bottom of the stack. (Enter)
Miscellaneous keys:
1/xgets the reciprocal of the given number. (\)
x!gets the factorial of the given integer. (!)
%performs percentage based calculations when used with +, –, × and ÷ operators. (%)
intgets the integer part of the given number.
fracgets the fractional part of the given number.
±inverts the sign of the current number or exponent. (s)
Expbegins exponent entry mode, to allow entering scientific notion numbers. (E)