AC | clears the number or stack and resets the state of the calculator. (Escape) |
CE | clears the number currently being entered. (Escape) |
Fn | cycles through showing different sets of operation keys, such as trig and exponential operations. (`) |
Inv | inverts the function of various operation keys, such as squares and square roots. (i) |
Mode | shows optional display mode and alternate base mode keys. (m) |
DRG | cycles between Degree, Radian and Gradian modes, converting the current number. (D) |
Mem | in Algebraic mode, exposes a set of memory operation keys. |
RPN | switches between Algebraic and Reverse Polish Notation modes. (R) |
Bin | changes to Binary alternate base mode. (m - b) |
Oct | changes to Octal alternate base mode. (m - o) |
Dec | changes to primary Decimal base mode. (m - d) |
Hex | changes to Hexadecimal alternate base mode. (m - h) |
Norm | switches to Normal display mode. (m - n) |
Fix | switches to Fixed decimal display mode. (m - f) |
Sci | switches to Scientific Notiation display mode. (m - s) |
Eng | switches to Engineering Notation display mode. Like Sci mode, except the exponent is always a power of 3. (m - e) |
0-12 | in the mode screen, these let you specify the precision of Fix, Sci, and Eng display modes. |
x2 | gets the square of the given number. (@) |
x3 | gets the cube of the given number. (#) |
yx | gets the x'th power of the given number. (^) |
√x | gets the square root of the given number. (inv - @) |
3√x | gets the cube root of the given number. (inv - #) |
x√y | gets the x'th root of the given number. (inv - ^) |
ex | raises e to the given power. (L) |
2x | raises 2 to the given power. |
10x | raises 10 to the given power. |
ln | gets the natural logarithm base e of the given number. (l) |
log2 | gets the logarithm base 2 of the given number. |
log10 | gets the logarithm base 10 of the given number. |
logxy | gets the logarithm base x of the given number. |
AND | performs a bitwise AND of two numbers. (&) |
OR | performs a bitwise OR of two numbers. (|) |
XOR | performs a bitwise Exclusive-OR of two numbers. (^) |
NOT | performs a bitwise NOT on all 32 bits in the number. (!) |
<< | performs a bitwise left shift by 1 bit. (<) |
>> | performs a bitwise right shift by 1 bit. (>) |
<<n | performs a bitwise left shift by n bits. |
>>n | performs a bitwise right shift by n bits. |
RoL | performs a bitwise roll left by 1 bit. ([) |
RoR | performs a bitwise roll right by 1 bit. (]) |
RnL | performs a bitwise roll left by n bits. |
RnR | performs a bitwise roll right by n bits. |